These Terms of Use describe -among other things- the terms and conditions for the use of the e-shop Where in the present reference is made to the term "the Company", as such will be meant the company 'ARGYRIOS TSIOFAS AND CO OE', located in Larissa, 63 Papanastasiou Street, with General Commercial Registration Number 027057740000, with VAT # 998789170 of the Tax Office of Larissa. is the online store for the sale of goods through the Internet. The headquarters of the company is located in Larissa, (63 Papanastasiou). The online store operates at the website, under the terms and conditions set out below.

The online store has set as its primary goal the best service and satisfaction of customers who will visit the website of, through the creation and cultivation of a climate of trust.

As it is important for the customers, who will visit the e-shop, to be always informed and secured, the following terms of use are listed for the information of the visitors / customers of the online store


The use of the online store is governed by these terms and conditions, which users are required to read carefully and comply with them. The company considers that users before visiting have read carefully and have become aware of the terms of use. By entering the website and using the online store, the user is presumed to have become aware of the terms of use, to accept these terms and to waive any claim he/she/they may have made by visiting , As the use of the online store implies explicit and unconditional consent and consent to the specific terms and conditions. All transactions carried out through are governed by Greek and European law on electronic commerce, as well as by the Law on Consumer Protection (Law 2251/1994) on distance selling.

The legal representative of the company reserves the right to modify or renew the terms and conditions of transactions without notice, and undertakes to inform consumers through the website of the online store and / or by any other appropriate means , for any change, modification or addition is made.

Any invalidity of some terms of the present does not lead to the invalidity of the rest. The non-exercise by the legal representative of her rights under these terms does not imply his waiver of these rights. The legal representative of the company is not responsible for violation of these terms due to reasons of force majeure, such as extreme weather events, earthquakes, floods, fires, emergencies, etc.


Protecting your personal information is important to your business. For this reason the company complies with the requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (known as the "GDPR"). The aim is to ensure honesty and transparency regarding the collection and processing of personal data of customers / visitors of the online store The company fully shares the concern of the customers / visitors of the online store in relation to their personal data.

The business activity of the Company ‘ARGYRIOS TSIOFAS KE SIA OE’ has as its object the sale of hairdressing, onychoplasty and professional make-up products as well as the sale of children's clothing. This privacy statement explains the types of personal data that the company processes, how it processes it and the purposes for which it is processed. This statement applies to any of your interactions with the business.

Personal data is data that can be used to identify a natural person.

You may be asked to provide personal information in the context of any communication, transaction and general interaction with the company. The Company may use your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. It may also combine them with other information in order to provide and improve its products and services, as well as content and advertising.

The Company collects data from you, through its interaction with you. The collection concerns only your absolutely necessary Data, which are appropriate and clear for the intended purpose.

The collection and general processing is done for various purposes which are described below. Among these goals is the efficient operation of the business but also to provide you with the best experiences with its products and Services. Some of this data is provided directly by you, for example, when you create an account in the e-shop or when you buy a product or when you contact our Company.

The processing of your data is carried out on the basis of various legal reasons and rights ("legal bases") such as your consent, the legitimate interests of the company, the need to conclude and execute contracts with you, as well as compliance with the legal obligations of the company, for various purposes described below.

Data may also be obtained from third parties. Our Company protects the data it receives from third parties in accordance with the practices described in this statement, as well as any additional restrictions imposed by the data provider. For example, when you make a purchase of our Products through our Amazon Store, your details may be sent to us.

When you are asked to provide personal information, you may decline. However, some of the Services and products provided on the website require some of your personal data, so that the company can respond and provide you with the product or service. If you choose not to enter data that is necessary for the operation and provision of a product or service to you, you will not be able to use that product or service. Similarly, in cases where the collection of personal data is mandatory by law or for the purposes of concluding or executing a contract with you, and you do not provide your personal data, the company will not be able to conclude and execute the contract.

You can read more about Personal Data Protection by referring to the Personal Data Protection Statement posted on


Cookies are small text files that are placed on your device to store data and that can be retrieved by a Web server in the domain where the cookie was placed. The online store uses cookies and similar technologies, to store and respect your preferences and settings, to provide you with access, to fight fraud, to analyze the performance of the products provided in it and for other lawful purposes, as described below. The e-shop has the ability to use cookies as part of the facility, but also the operation of services through its website, making browsing more user friendly. Cookies are small files (text files) which are sent and stored on the computer used by the user, allowing websites such as, to operate smoothly and without technical anomalies, to collect multiple user options, to recognize frequent users, to facilitate their access to it as well as for statistical purposes, in order to determine the areas in which e-shop services are useful, popular or for marketing purposes. Cookies are used to provide you with information and to process your orders. You must keep in mind that cookies are absolutely necessary in order for the website to function properly and smoothly. The information stored in the cookies of the business website is used exclusively by but also by cooperating companies such as Google for statistical purposes. The online store website provides more settings options for individual cookies. Furthermore, the user can configure his server so that he does not receive cookies, either in total or on a case-by-case basis, or choose to delete them automatically when leaving the website.

You can read more about Cookies and other similar technologies by referring to the Privacy Statement posted on


All content of including images, photographs, graphics, texts and generally all files are the intellectual property and trademarks of and are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek and European law. It is prohibited to copy, modify, alter, reproduce, distribute, transfer, sell, republish, send data in any way and any information (in whole or in part) provided on this website by any means or without the prior written permission of its owner of the online store


In the pages of the online store the visitor / user is given the opportunity to use social networking tools which either refer him to external pages related to the online store or display relevant information in the profile of each user on the corresponding social networking medium of their choice. The use of any of the links concerning the social networking add-ons is subject to the terms of use of the respective network.


Purchasing Process

Our goal is to serve you through a simple, fast, safe and pleasant transaction process: Navigate to, select the goods you are interested in and wish to buy through the collection of Add them to the "SHOPPING BAG" by clicking on the relevant icon ADD TO CART  which is unique for any purchase you make during a visit to This way you create your order. Then, follow the steps of the short payment process in order to complete the shipment of your order, after first filling in the appropriate fields your required information requested. Upon completion of the ordering process you will receive from us an informative e-mail confirming receipt of your order.

In case you wish to place an order by phone you can call us at (+30) 2410531320, (+30) 6948684662

Product availability

In case any of the goods you ordered is not immediately available, then we will contact you via e-mail or phone, within a reasonable time from the placement of the order, to inform you about the possible delivery time. In this case, if you consider that this period of time does not satisfy you, you have the opportunity to request the withdrawal of the order of the goods in question or its replacement with another commodity of your choice. The remaining goods of your order can be shipped normally.

Order cancellation

In case for any reason you want to cancel your order after registering and completing it at you should contact the customer service of via e-mail at or by phone at (+30) 2410531320, (+30) 6948684662